Hoenn PokéDex (Gen 3)

A list of all Hoenn-region Pokémon that are currently available in Pokémon GO. Shadow Pokémon are not included. Pokémon whose Shiny form is available in Pokémon GO have a Shiny symbol in the top right corner. Pokémon that are not available have a red background behind them.

162 out of 165 Pokémon from the Hoenn region are available in Pokémon GO. This count includes all forms. There are 135 Pokémon (without forms) in this generation.

Pokémon GO Hoenn PokéDex

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Thumbnail image of TreeckoTreeckoShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GrovyleGrovyleShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SceptileSceptileShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SceptileMega Pokémon iconMega SceptileShinyYes
Thumbnail image of TorchicTorchicShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CombuskenCombuskenShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BlazikenBlazikenShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BlazikenMega Pokémon iconMega BlazikenShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MudkipMudkipShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MarshtompMarshtompShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SwampertSwampertShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SwampertMega Pokémon iconMega SwampertShinyYes
Thumbnail image of PoochyenaPoochyenaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MightyenaMightyenaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ZigzagoonZigzagoonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian ZigzagoonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LinooneLinooneShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Galarian LinooneGalarian LinooneShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WurmpleWurmpleShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SilcoonSilcoonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BeautiflyBeautiflyShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CascoonCascoonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of DustoxDustoxShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LotadLotadShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LombreLombreShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LudicoloLudicoloShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SeedotSeedotShinyYes
Thumbnail image of NuzleafNuzleafShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ShiftryShiftryShinyYes
Thumbnail image of TaillowTaillowShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SwellowSwellowShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WingullWingullShinyYes
Thumbnail image of PelipperPelipperShinyYes
Thumbnail image of RaltsRaltsShinyYes
Thumbnail image of KirliaKirliaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GardevoirGardevoirShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GardevoirMega Pokémon iconMega GardevoirShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SurskitSurskitShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MasquerainMasquerainShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ShroomishShroomishShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BreloomBreloomShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SlakothSlakothShinyYes
Thumbnail image of VigorothVigorothShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SlakingSlakingShinyYes
Thumbnail image of NincadaNincadaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of NinjaskNinjaskShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ShedinjaShedinjaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WhismurWhismurShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LoudredLoudredShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ExploudExploudShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MakuhitaMakuhitaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of HariyamaHariyamaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AzurillAzurillShinyYes
Thumbnail image of NosepassNosepassShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SkittySkittyShinyYes
Thumbnail image of DelcattyDelcattyShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SableyeSableyeShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SableyeMega Pokémon iconMega SableyeShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MawileMawileShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega MawileMega Pokémon iconMega MawileShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AronAronShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LaironLaironShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AggronAggronShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AggronMega Pokémon iconMega AggronShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MedititeMedititeShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MedichamMedichamShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega MedichamMega Pokémon iconMega MedichamShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ElectrikeElectrikeShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ManectricManectricShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega ManectricMega Pokémon iconMega ManectricShinyYes
Thumbnail image of PluslePlusleShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MinunMinunShinyYes
Thumbnail image of VolbeatVolbeatShinyYes
Thumbnail image of IllumiseIllumiseShinyYes
Thumbnail image of RoseliaRoseliaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GulpinGulpinShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SwalotSwalotShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CarvanhaCarvanhaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SharpedoSharpedoShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SharpedoMega Pokémon iconMega SharpedoNo
Thumbnail image of WailmerWailmerShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WailordWailordShinyYes
Thumbnail image of NumelNumelShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CameruptCameruptShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega CameruptMega Pokémon iconMega CameruptNo
Thumbnail image of TorkoalTorkoalShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SpoinkSpoinkShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GrumpigGrumpigShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SpindaSpindaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of TrapinchTrapinchShinyYes
Thumbnail image of VibravaVibravaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of FlygonFlygonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CacneaCacneaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CacturneCacturneShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SwabluSwabluShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AltariaAltariaShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AltariaMega Pokémon iconMega AltariaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ZangooseZangooseShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SeviperSeviperShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LunatoneLunatoneShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SolrockSolrockShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BarboachBarboachShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WhiscashWhiscashShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CorphishCorphishShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CrawdauntCrawdauntShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BaltoyBaltoyShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ClaydolClaydolShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LileepLileepShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CradilyCradilyShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AnorithAnorithShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ArmaldoArmaldoShinyYes
Thumbnail image of FeebasFeebasShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MiloticMiloticShinyYes
Thumbnail image of CastformCastformShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Castform (Rainy)Castform (Rainy)ShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Castform (Snowy)Castform (Snowy)ShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Castform (Sunny)Castform (Sunny)ShinyYes
Thumbnail image of KecleonKecleonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ShuppetShuppetShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BanetteBanetteShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BanetteMega Pokémon iconMega BanetteShinyYes
Thumbnail image of DuskullDuskullShinyYes
Thumbnail image of DusclopsDusclopsShinyYes
Thumbnail image of TropiusTropiusShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ChimechoChimechoShinyYes
Thumbnail image of AbsolAbsolShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AbsolMega Pokémon iconMega AbsolShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WynautWynautShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SnoruntSnoruntShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GlalieGlalieShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GlalieMega Pokémon iconMega GlalieShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SphealSphealShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SealeoSealeoShinyYes
Thumbnail image of WalreinWalreinShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ClamperlClamperlShinyYes
Thumbnail image of HuntailHuntailShinyYes
Thumbnail image of GorebyssGorebyssShinyYes
Thumbnail image of RelicanthRelicanthShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LuvdiscLuvdiscShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BagonBagonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of ShelgonShelgonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of SalamenceSalamenceShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SalamenceMega Pokémon iconMega SalamenceShinyYes
Thumbnail image of BeldumBeldumShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MetangMetangShinyYes
Thumbnail image of MetagrossMetagrossShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega MetagrossMega Pokémon iconMega MetagrossNo
Thumbnail image of RegirockRegirockShinyYes
Thumbnail image of RegiceRegiceShinyYes
Thumbnail image of RegisteelRegisteelShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LatiasLatiasShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega LatiasMega Pokémon iconMega LatiasShinyYes
Thumbnail image of LatiosLatiosShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega LatiosMega Pokémon iconMega LatiosShinyYes
Thumbnail image of KyogreKyogreShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Primal KyogrePrimal KyogreYes
Thumbnail image of GroudonGroudonShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Primal GroudonPrimal GroudonYes
Thumbnail image of RayquazaRayquazaShinyYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega RayquazaMega Pokémon iconMega RayquazaShinyYes
Thumbnail image of JirachiJirachiShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Attack Forme DeoxysAttack Forme DeoxysShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Defense Forme DeoxysDefense Forme DeoxysShinyYes
Thumbnail image of DeoxysDeoxysShinyYes
Thumbnail image of Speed Forme DeoxysSpeed Forme DeoxysShinyYes