Best Dark-type Attackers in Pokémon GO


A list of best Dark-type attackers currently available in Pokémon GO. Each attacker uses its optimal fast and charge Dark-type moves in this listing. You can configure whether you want to show Primal, Shadow, and Mega Pokémon, but by default all are shown. Additionally, you can show Pokémon that are not Dark-type Pokémon, but have access to Dark-type moves. Click below to configure these options.


Ranking Methodology

These rankings are based on Pokémon DPS (damage per second) and TDO (total damage output), while the score is a slight modification of the EER (Effective Energy Rating) and TER (Time Equivalent Rating) metric. EER and TER are metrics invented by Reddit user u/Elastic_Space to measure the efficiency of a Pokémon's energy generation and consumption.

EER (Effective Energy Rating) is a metric that balances DPS and TDO, focusing on how efficiently it uses energy in battle. TER does the same, but it works better if you're raiding in a large group and not going to relobby. Both evaluate how well a Pokémon uses fast and charged moves without wasting energy, giving a clearer picture of its overall effectiveness in battles. A higher EER means the Pokémon can deliver consistent damage by efficiently generating and using energy for charged moves, making it a more reliable choice in certain battle scenarios.

Sources and Credits