All Community Day Moves

Community Days in Pokémon GO are some of the most popular events, and Community Day moves hold a special place in our heart. Along with the chance to catch rare shiny versions of Pokémon, these events offer exclusive moves for certain Pokémon, often significantly improving their performance in PvE (gyms, raids) and PvP (GO Battle League). These Community Day Moves are only available to evolve forms during the event (or via Elite TMs later), making them highly sought after. Here’s a comprehensive list of all the Community Day moves from past events.

All Community Day Moves
Fast Attack
Charged Attack
20181Thumbnail image of PikachuPikachuThumbnail image of PikachuPikachu-WaterSurf -
20182Thumbnail image of DratiniDratiniThumbnail image of DragoniteDragonite-DragonDraco Meteor -
20183Thumbnail image of BulbasaurBulbasaurThumbnail image of VenusaurVenusaur-GrassFrenzy Plant -
20184Thumbnail image of MareepMareepThumbnail image of AmpharosAmpharos-DragonDragon Pulse -
20185Thumbnail image of CharmanderCharmanderThumbnail image of CharizardCharizard-FireBlast Burn -
20186Thumbnail image of LarvitarLarvitarThumbnail image of TyranitarTyranitarRockSmack Down --
20187Thumbnail image of SquirtleSquirtleThumbnail image of BlastoiseBlastoise-WaterHydro Cannon -
20188Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of VaporeonVaporeon-NormalLast Resort -
20188Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of FlareonFlareon-NormalLast Resort -
20188Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of JolteonJolteon-NormalLast Resort -
20188Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of EspeonEspeon-NormalLast Resort -
20188Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of UmbreonUmbreon-NormalLast Resort -
20189Thumbnail image of ChikoritaChikoritaThumbnail image of MeganiumMeganium-GrassFrenzy Plant -
201810Thumbnail image of BeldumBeldumThumbnail image of MetagrossMetagross-SteelMeteor Mash -
201811Thumbnail image of CyndaquilCyndaquilThumbnail image of TyphlosionTyphlosion-FireBlast Burn -
20191Thumbnail image of TotodileTotodileThumbnail image of FeraligatrFeraligatr-WaterHydro Cannon -
20192Thumbnail image of SwinubSwinubThumbnail image of MamoswineMamoswine-RockAncient Power -
20193Thumbnail image of TreeckoTreeckoThumbnail image of SceptileSceptile-GrassFrenzy Plant -
20194Thumbnail image of BagonBagonThumbnail image of SalamenceSalamence-DragonOutrage -
20195Thumbnail image of TorchicTorchicThumbnail image of BlazikenBlaziken-FireBlast Burn -
20196Thumbnail image of SlakothSlakothThumbnail image of SlakingSlaking-NormalBody Slam -
20197Thumbnail image of MudkipMudkipThumbnail image of SwampertSwampert-WaterHydro Cannon -
20198Thumbnail image of RaltsRaltsThumbnail image of GardevoirGardevoir-PsychicSynchronoise -
20198Thumbnail image of RaltsRaltsThumbnail image of GalladeGallade-PsychicSynchronoise -
20199Thumbnail image of TurtwigTurtwigThumbnail image of TorterraTorterra-GrassFrenzy Plant -
201910Thumbnail image of TrapinchTrapinchThumbnail image of FlygonFlygon-GroundEarth Power -
201911Thumbnail image of ChimcharChimcharThumbnail image of InfernapeInfernape-FireBlast Burn -
20201Thumbnail image of PiplupPiplupThumbnail image of EmpoleonEmpoleon-WaterHydro Cannon -
20202Thumbnail image of RhyhornRhyhornThumbnail image of RhyperiorRhyperior-RockRock Wrecker -
20204Thumbnail image of AbraAbraThumbnail image of AlakazamAlakazamFightingCounter --
20205Thumbnail image of SeedotSeedotThumbnail image of ShiftryShiftryGrassBullet Seed --
20206Thumbnail image of WeedleWeedleThumbnail image of BeedrillBeedrill-GroundDrill Run -
20207Thumbnail image of GastlyGastlyThumbnail image of GengarGengar-GhostShadow Punch -
20208Thumbnail image of MagikarpMagikarpThumbnail image of GyaradosGyarados-WaterAqua Tail -
20209Thumbnail image of PorygonPorygonThumbnail image of Porygon-ZPorygon-Z-NormalTri Attack -
202010Thumbnail image of CharmanderCharmanderThumbnail image of CharizardCharizardDragonDragon Breath --
202011Thumbnail image of ElekidElekidThumbnail image of ElectabuzzElectabuzz-FireFlamethrower -
202011Thumbnail image of MagbyMagbyThumbnail image of MagmortarMagmortar-ElectricThunderbolt -
20211Thumbnail image of MachopMachopThumbnail image of MachampMachamp-DarkPayback -
20212Thumbnail image of BudewBudewThumbnail image of RoseradeRoseradeGrassBullet Seed --
20213Thumbnail image of FletchlingFletchlingThumbnail image of TalonflameTalonflameFireIncinerate --
20214Thumbnail image of SnivySnivyThumbnail image of SerperiorSerperior-GrassFrenzy Plant -
20215Thumbnail image of SwabluSwabluThumbnail image of AltariaAltaria-FairyMoonblast -
20216Thumbnail image of GibleGibleThumbnail image of GarchompGarchomp-GroundEarth Power -
20217Thumbnail image of TepigTepigThumbnail image of EmboarEmboar-FireBlast Burn -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of EeveeEevee-NormalLast Resort -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of LeafeonLeafeonGrassBullet Seed --
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of VaporeonVaporeon-WaterScald -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of JolteonJolteon-ElectricZap Cannon -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of FlareonFlareon-FightingSuperpower -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of EspeonEspeon-GhostShadow Ball -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of UmbreonUmbreon-PsychicPsychic -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of GlaceonGlaceon-WaterWater Pulse -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of SylveonSylveon-PsychicPsyshock -
20218Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeThumbnail image of EeveeEevee-NormalLast Resort -
20219Thumbnail image of OshawottOshawottThumbnail image of SamurottSamurott-WaterHydro Cannon -
202110Thumbnail image of DuskullDuskullThumbnail image of DusknoirDusknoir-GhostShadow Ball -
202111Thumbnail image of ShinxShinxThumbnail image of LuxrayLuxray-PsychicPsychic Fangs -
20221Thumbnail image of SphealSphealThumbnail image of WalreinWalreinIcePowder Snow IceIcicle Spear -
20221Thumbnail image of BulbasaurBulbasaurThumbnail image of VenusaurVenusaur-GrassFrenzy Plant Community Day Classic
20222Thumbnail image of HoppipHoppipThumbnail image of JumpluffJumpluff-FlyingAcrobatics -
20223Thumbnail image of SandshrewSandshrewThumbnail image of SandslashSandslash-DarkNight Slash -
20223Thumbnail image of Alolan SandshrewAlolan SandshrewThumbnail image of Alolan SandslashAlolan SandslashGhostShadow Claw --
20224Thumbnail image of MudkipMudkipThumbnail image of SwampertSwampert-WaterHydro Cannon Community Day Classic
20224Thumbnail image of StuffulStuffulThumbnail image of BewearBewear-FightingDrain Punch -
20225Thumbnail image of Alolan GeodudeAlolan GeodudeThumbnail image of Alolan GolemAlolan GolemRockRollout --
20226Thumbnail image of DeinoDeinoThumbnail image of HydreigonHydreigon-DarkBrutal Swing -
20227Thumbnail image of StarlyStarlyThumbnail image of StaraptorStaraptorFlyingGust --
20228Thumbnail image of Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian ZigzagoonThumbnail image of ObstagoonObstagoon-DarkObstruct -
20229Thumbnail image of RoggenrolaRoggenrolaThumbnail image of GigalithGigalith-RockMeteor Beam -
202210Thumbnail image of LitwickLitwickThumbnail image of ChandelureChandelure-GhostPoltergeist -
202211Thumbnail image of DratiniDratiniThumbnail image of DragoniteDragonite-DragonDraco Meteor Community Day Classic
202211Thumbnail image of TeddiursaTeddiursaThumbnail image of UrsalunaUrsaluna-GroundHigh Horsepower -
20231Thumbnail image of ChespinChespinThumbnail image of ChesnaughtChesnaught-GrassFrenzy Plant -
20231Thumbnail image of LarvitarLarvitarThumbnail image of TyranitarTyranitarRockSmack Down -Community Day Classic
20232Thumbnail image of NoibatNoibatThumbnail image of NoivernNoivern-NormalBoomburst -
20233Thumbnail image of SlowpokeSlowpokeThumbnail image of SlowkingSlowking-WaterSurf -
20233Thumbnail image of Galarian SlowpokeGalarian SlowpokeThumbnail image of Galarian SlowkingGalarian Slowking-WaterSurf -
20233Thumbnail image of SlowpokeSlowpokeThumbnail image of SlowbroSlowbro-WaterSurf -
20233Thumbnail image of Galarian SlowpokeGalarian SlowpokeThumbnail image of Galarian SlowbroGalarian Slowbro-WaterSurf -
20234Thumbnail image of SwinubSwinubThumbnail image of MamoswineMamoswine-RockAncient Power -
20234Thumbnail image of TogeticTogeticThumbnail image of TogekissTogekiss-FightingAura Sphere -
20235Thumbnail image of FennekinFennekinThumbnail image of DelphoxDelphox-FireBlast Burn -
20236Thumbnail image of AxewAxewThumbnail image of HaxorusHaxorus-DragonBreaking Swipe -
20237Thumbnail image of SquirtleSquirtleThumbnail image of BlastoiseBlastoise-WaterHydro Cannon Community Day Classic
20237Thumbnail image of PoliwagPoliwagThumbnail image of PoliwrathPoliwrathFightingCounter --
20237Thumbnail image of PoliwagPoliwagThumbnail image of PolitoedPolitoed-IceIce Beam -
20238Thumbnail image of FroakieFroakieThumbnail image of GreninjaGreninja-WaterHydro Cannon -
20239Thumbnail image of CharmanderCharmanderThumbnail image of CharizardCharizardDragonDragon Breath FireBlast Burn -
20239Thumbnail image of GrubbinGrubbinThumbnail image of CharjabugCharjabugElectricVolt Switch --
20239Thumbnail image of GrubbinGrubbinThumbnail image of VikavoltVikavoltElectricVolt Switch --
202310Thumbnail image of TimburrTimburrThumbnail image of ConkeldurrConkeldurr-DarkBrutal Swing -
202311Thumbnail image of WooperWooperThumbnail image of QuagsireQuagsire-WaterAqua Tail -
202311Thumbnail image of Paldean WooperPaldean WooperThumbnail image of ClodsireClodsire-BugMegahorn -
202311Thumbnail image of MareepMareepThumbnail image of AmpharosAmpharos-DragonDragon Pulse Community Day Classic
20241Thumbnail image of RowletRowletThumbnail image of DecidueyeDecidueye-GrassFrenzy Plant -
20242Thumbnail image of ChanseyChanseyThumbnail image of BlisseyBlissey-ElectricWild Charge -
20243Thumbnail image of LittenLittenThumbnail image of IncineroarIncineroar-FireBlast Burn -
20244Thumbnail image of BellsproutBellsproutThumbnail image of VictreebelVictreebelGrassMagical Leaf --
20244Thumbnail image of BagonBagonThumbnail image of SalamenceSalamence-DragonOutrage Community Day Classic
20245Thumbnail image of BounsweetBounsweetThumbnail image of TsareenaTsareena-FightingHigh Jump Kick -
20246Thumbnail image of GoomyGoomyThumbnail image of GoodraGoodra-ElectricThunder Punch -
20246Thumbnail image of CyndaquilCyndaquilThumbnail image of TyphlosionTyphlosion-FireBlast Burn -
20247Thumbnail image of TynamoTynamoThumbnail image of EelektrossEelektrossElectricVolt Switch --
20248Thumbnail image of BeldumBeldumThumbnail image of MetagrossMetagross-SteelMeteor Mash Community Day Classic
20248Thumbnail image of PopplioPopplioThumbnail image of PrimarinaPrimarina-WaterHydro Cannon -
20249Thumbnail image of PonytaPonytaThumbnail image of RapidashRapidash-ElectricWild Charge -
20249Thumbnail image of Galarian PonytaGalarian PonytaThumbnail image of Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash-ElectricWild Charge -
202410Thumbnail image of SewaddleSewaddleThumbnail image of LeavannyLeavannyGhostShadow Claw --
202411Thumbnail image of MankeyMankeyThumbnail image of PrimeapePrimeape-GhostRage Fist -
202411Thumbnail image of MankeyMankeyThumbnail image of AnnihilapeAnnihilape-GhostRage Fist -