Best Pokémon to defeat Celebi in Pokémon GO

Raid Battles

The strongest Pokémon to use against Celebi are: Mega Rayquaza, Mega Scizor, Mega Pinsir, Mega Heracross, Shadow Scizor, Volcarona, and Shadow Escavalier. We suggest a minimum group size of 1 - 3 Trainers to defeat Celebi in a 3-Star Raid.

CogSimulation settings

      Best counter 👑

      Mega Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Mega RayquazaMega Rayquaza
      Air Slash / Dragon Ascent
      Mega Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Mega ScizorMega Scizor
      Fury Cutter / X-Scissor
      Mega Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Mega PinsirMega Pinsir
      Fury Cutter / X-Scissor
      Mega Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Mega HeracrossMega Heracross
      Struggle Bug / Megahorn
      Shadow Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Shadow ScizorShadow Scizor
      Fury Cutter / X-Scissor
      Official artwork of VolcaronaVolcarona
      Bug Bite / Bug Buzz
      Shadow Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Shadow EscavalierShadow Escavalier
      Bug Bite / Megahorn
      Fast Attack
      Charged Attack
      1.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega RayquazaMega Pokémon iconMega RayquazaFlyingAir Slash FlyingDragon Ascent 43.071447.6284s92.2
      2.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega ScizorMega Pokémon iconMega ScizorBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 39.251792.1292s89.8
      3.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega PinsirMega Pokémon iconMega PinsirBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 42.891230.1284s88.7
      4.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega HeracrossMega Pokémon iconMega HeracrossBugStruggle Bug BugMegahorn 42.89999.3384s84.8
      5.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow ScizorShadow ScizorBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 40.521162.0389s83.8
      6.Thumbnail image of VolcaronaVolcaronaBugBug Bite BugBug Buzz 38.731214.5293s81.7
      7.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow EscavalierShadow EscavalierBugBug Bite BugMegahorn 38.891148.2393s81.0
      8.Thumbnail image of Genesect (Shock Drive)Genesect (Shock Drive)BugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 35.861348.92101s78.7
      9.Thumbnail image of GenesectGenesectBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 35.861348.92101s78.7
      10.Thumbnail image of Genesect (Douse Drive)Genesect (Douse Drive)BugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 35.861348.92101s78.7
      11.Thumbnail image of Genesect (Chill Drive)Genesect (Chill Drive)BugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 35.861348.92101s78.7
      12.Thumbnail image of Genesect (Burn Drive)Genesect (Burn Drive)BugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 35.861348.92101s78.7
      13.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BeedrillMega Pokémon iconMega BeedrillBugBug Bite *BugX-Scissor 42.32733.2486s78.5
      14.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow PinsirShadow PinsirBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 40.63723.6489s75.8
      15.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow HeatranShadow HeatranBugBug Bite FireMagma Storm *33.091387.52109s74.4
      16.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow ScytherShadow ScytherBugFury Cutter BugBug Buzz *38.84742.2493s73.6
      17.Thumbnail image of Dawn Wings NecrozmaDawn Wings NecrozmaGhostShadow Claw GhostMoongeist Beam 34.361125.73105s73.2
      18.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega Y CharizardMega Pokémon iconMega Y CharizardFireFire Spin FireBlast Burn *34.381093.63105s72.7
      19.Thumbnail image of ScizorScizorBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 33.791155.83107s72.6
      20.Thumbnail image of EscavalierEscavalierBugBug Bite BugMegahorn 32.651149.63111s70.6
      21.Thumbnail image of VikavoltVikavoltBugBug Bite BugX-Scissor 36.14770.34100s70.1
      22.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SalamenceMega Pokémon iconMega SalamenceFireFire Fang FlyingFly 31.851202.02114s69.9
      23.Thumbnail image of YanmegaYanmegaBugBug Bite BugBug Buzz 34.33834.84105s68.5
      24.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GengarMega Pokémon iconMega GengarGhostLick *GhostShadow Ball 34.87767.54104s68.1
      25.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow SalamenceShadow SalamenceFireFire Fang FlyingFly 34.49756.74105s67.3
      26.Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BlazikenMega Pokémon iconMega BlazikenFireFire Spin FireBlast Burn *35.40684.15102s67.2
      27.Thumbnail image of RayquazaRayquazaFlyingAir Slash FlyingDragon Ascent 32.86859.74110s66.6
      28.Shadow Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Shadow AccelgorShadow AccelgorBugInfestation BugBug Buzz 37.28527.3697s66.1
      29.Thumbnail image of PinsirPinsirBugFury Cutter BugX-Scissor 34.07725.24106s66.1
      30.Thumbnail image of PheromosaPheromosaBugBug Bite BugBug Buzz 40.82373.3989s65.9
      1 of 4

      Group size

      You need at least 1 Trainers to defeat a Celebi in a 3-Star Raid.

      • 1
      • 2
      • 3
      • 4
      • 5
      • 6
      • 7
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      • 30
      • 31
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      • 34
      • 35
      • 36
      • 37
      • 38
      • 39
      • 40
      • Minimum group size: 1 Trainers
      • Optimal group size: 2 - 3 Trainers
      • Very easy with: 4+ Trainers

      Celebi CP range from Raids

      Celebi can be caught with the following Combat Power after being defeated in Raids:

      • From 1785 CP to 1865 CP, with no weather boost
      • From 2231 CP to 2332 CP with Windy and Sunny weather boost

      Celebi weaknesses

      Celebi type chart

      When fighting Celebi, keep in mind the that Psychic and Grass-type Pokémon are weak to Bug, Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Ice, and Poison-type moves. They take reduced damage from Electric, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Psychic, and Water-type moves.

      Celebi takes increased damage from:Celebi takes increased damage from:
      • Bug
      • Dark
      • Fire
      • Flying
      • Ghost
      • Ice
      • Poison
      Celebi takes reduced damage from:Celebi takes reduced damage from:
      • Electric
      • Fighting
      • Grass
      • Ground
      • Psychic
      • Water

      Best move-types and best weather for defeating Celebi

      Move-typeUsage (%)Weather
      • rainRain
      • sunnySunny
      • fogFog
      • windyWindy
      • fogFog
      • cloudyCloudy
      • partlyCloudyPartly Cloudy
      • windyWindy
      • snowSnow
      • snowSnow
      • windyWindy
      • rainRain

      About our ranking methodology

      Our guide provides detailed information on recommended Pokémon and moves that are most effective against Celebi in Raid Battles. Whether you're looking for the best counters to take Celebi down quickly with high DPS, or the tankiest counters that can withstand its attacks, our guide has something for every trainer.

      This guide displays a list of best Celebi counters in Pokémon GO with their Fast Attacks, Charged Attacks, DPS (damage per second), TDO (total damage output), faints, TTW (time to win), and score. The list is sorted by the score, which is calculated based on the DPS and TDO. Each Pokemon's move type is indicated by an icon beside the move name.

      When calculating the best counters for any Pokémon, our simulator takes into account various factors, such as the defender's typing and average DPS against each attacker, the weather's influence, energy left over from using charge attacks, Shadow Pokémon attack and defense stat changes, and more. During the initial phase of simulations, we calculate DPS and TDO for each attacker that is currently available in the game, and then we continue to rank them.

      We use a ranking method developed by a Reddit user named /u/Elastic_Space, which is described in detail in this Reddit post. It is a fairly complicated, but very well thought-out mathematical model for predicting simulation results without actually running the simulations. It also correlates with field data almost too well not to be used. Reddit

      Our Time to Win (TTW) and Faint numbers are also estimated, and should be taken with a grain of salt. Since we do not account for factors like Friendship and Mega damage boost, they will differ from actual experience in the field.