Shadow Electabuzz

Table of Contents

Shadow Electabuzz is a Electric-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Electric-type Pokémon, Shadow Electabuzz is weak to Ground-type moves.

Shadow Electabuzz's maximum Combat Power stat is 2639 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt. Shadow Electabuzz encounters are boosted during Rain weather. Shiny Shadow Electabuzz is not yet available.


Max CP2639 CP
Attack198 ATK
Defense158 DEF
Stamina163 HP
Buddy distance5 km
Shiny releasedNo

Shadow Electabuzz Type Chart

Shadow Electabuzz takes increased damage from:Shadow Electabuzz takes increased damage from:
  • Ground
Shadow Electabuzz takes reduced damage from:Shadow Electabuzz takes reduced damage from:
  • Electric
  • Flying
  • Steel

Shadow Electabuzz's Tier Ranking

Raid AttackerRaid AttackerNot ranked
Gym DefenderGym DefenderNot ranked
Electric Electric-type Attacker
Thunder Shock / Thunderbolt
C TierExternal Link#48

Regular and Shiny Shadow Electabuzz

Shadow Electabuzz's best moves and movesets

Shadow Electabuzz's best moveset is Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt, with 13.58 DPS (damage per second) and 143.2 TDO (total damage output). These moves are boosted by Rain weather.
  • DPS13.58
  • TDO143.18
  • Weather
    • rain
      Fast Attack
      Charged Attack
      Score 🔽
      1.ElectricThunder Shock ElectricThunderbolt 13.58143.222.6
      2.ElectricThunder Shock ElectricThunder Punch 12.43131.120.7
      3.FightingLow Kick ElectricThunderbolt 12.40130.720.6
      4.FightingLow Kick ElectricThunder Punch 11.64122.819.4
      5.ElectricThunder Shock ElectricThunder 11.45120.819.1
      6.FightingLow Kick ElectricThunder 10.28108.417.1
      7.ElectricThunder Shock NormalFrustration 00-
      8.FightingLow Kick NormalFrustration 00-
      Pokédex informationMore information

      The following chart shows Shadow Electabuzz's DPS and TDO for every fast and charge attack combination. This chart is useful for comparing the relative strength of Shadow Electabuzz's movesets. You can change the weather and the opposing Pokémon to see how it affects the rankings.

      Legacy Elite Fast and Charge Attacks can only be obtained during special events, or by using an Elite Fast TM or an Elite Charge TM. Legacy moves are marked with an asterisk (*). The table above provides information on different moves Shadow Electabuzz has in Pokémon GO, along with their corresponding DPS (Damage per Second) and TDO (Total Damage Output).

      Fast Attacks

      • ElectricThunder ShockDamage4Energy7Duration0.5s
        Toggle more information for move: Thunder Shock
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 160.0%
          • FlyingFlying
          • WaterWater
        • 62.5%
          • GrassGrass
          • ElectricElectric
          • DragonDragon
        • 39.1%
          • GroundGround
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • rainRain
        Damage window0.2s - 0.5s
        Trainer Battles

        Thunder Shock has no special effects.
        See Thunder Shock details page ↗
      • FightingLow KickDamage5Energy5Duration0.5s
        Toggle more information for move: Low Kick
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 160.0%
          • NormalNormal
          • RockRock
          • SteelSteel
          • IceIce
          • DarkDark
        • 62.5%
          • FlyingFlying
          • PoisonPoison
          • BugBug
          • PsychicPsychic
          • FairyFairy
        • 39.1%
          • GhostGhost
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • cloudyCloudy
        Damage window0.2s - 0.5s
        Trainer Battles

        Low Kick has no special effects.
        See Low Kick details page ↗

      Charged Moves

      • ElectricThunder PunchDamage50Energy33Duration2.0s
        Toggle more information for move: Thunder Punch
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 160.0%
          • FlyingFlying
          • WaterWater
        • 62.5%
          • GrassGrass
          • ElectricElectric
          • DragonDragon
        • 39.1%
          • GroundGround
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • rainRain
        Damage window1.9s - 1.8s
        Trainer Battles

        Thunder Punch has no special effects.
        See Thunder Punch details page ↗
      • ElectricThunderDamage100Energy100Duration2.5s
        Toggle more information for move: Thunder
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 160.0%
          • FlyingFlying
          • WaterWater
        • 62.5%
          • GrassGrass
          • ElectricElectric
          • DragonDragon
        • 39.1%
          • GroundGround
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • rainRain
        Damage window1.3s - 2.3s
        Trainer Battles

        Thunder has no special effects.
        See Thunder details page ↗
      • ElectricThunderboltDamage80Energy50Duration2.5s
        Toggle more information for move: Thunderbolt
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 160.0%
          • FlyingFlying
          • WaterWater
        • 62.5%
          • GrassGrass
          • ElectricElectric
          • DragonDragon
        • 39.1%
          • GroundGround
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • rainRain
        Damage window1.8s - 2.3s
        Trainer Battles

        Thunderbolt has no special effects.
        See Thunderbolt details page ↗
      • NormalFrustrationDamage10Energy33Duration2.0s
        Toggle more information for move: Frustration
        Type effectiveness chart
        • 62.5%
          • RockRock
          • SteelSteel
        • 39.1%
          • GhostGhost
        Gym and Raid Battles
        Weather boost
        • partlyCloudyPartly Cloudy
        Damage window1.0s - 1.8s
        Trainer Battles

        Frustration has no special effects.
        See Frustration details page ↗

      Shadow Electabuzz in the meta

      Shadow Electabuzz in the meta

      PvE AnalysisPvE Analysis

      Not yet analysed, come back soon!

      PvE AnalysisPvP Analysis

      Not yet analysed, come back soon!

      Special CP Values

      CP Chart

      Shadow Electabuzz's has 2639 max CP (at Level 50). A Shadow Electabuzz obtained from Raids can be encountered from 1212 CP to 1333 CP, or if weather boosted, in the 1515 CP to 1667 CP range. In Field and Special Research, Shadow Electabuzz can be found in the 949 CP to 1000 CP range.

      Max CPMax CP2639 CP
      Level 50, 15/15/15 IVs
      Field ResearchResearch949 CP - 1000 CP
      Level 15, 10/10/10 minimum IVs
      Pokémon EggEggs1265 CP - 1333 CP
      Level 20, 10/10/10 minimum IVs
      Raid catchRaids1212 CP - 1333 CP
      Level 20, 6/6/6 minimum IVs
      1515 CP - 1667 CP
      Weather boosted, Level 25, 6/6/6 minimum IVs
      InfoMore information
      • Field and Special Research encounters are always Level 15. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Field Research encounters have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
      • Pokémon hatched from Eggs are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Egg Hatches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
      • Raid Bosses caught without weather boost are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
        • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
      • Raid Bosses caught with weather boost are always Level 25. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Weather boosted Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
        • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
      • Wild encounters range from Level 1 to Level 30 Pokémon. Their IVs range from 0 (min) to 15 (max) for each stat.
      • Weather Boosted wild Pokémon encounters get a 5 Level boost, bringing their Level range to Level 6 to Level 35. In addition, they have a guaraneed minimum IV value of 4 for each stat, resulting in a 4/4/4 IV floor.

      Max CP Chart

      CP Chart

      Max Combat Power per Level chart

      Shadow Electabuzz Max CP per level chart. This table shows maximum Combat Power values from Level 1 to Level 50.

      133 CP2103 CP3173 CP
      4244 CP5314 CP6385 CP
      7455 CP8526 CP9596 CP
      10667 CP11733 CP12800 CP
      13867 CP14933 CP151000 CP
      161067 CP171133 CP181200 CP
      191267 CP201333 CP211400 CP
      221467 CP231534 CP241600 CP
      251667 CP261734 CP271800 CP
      281867 CP291934 CP302001 CP
      312034 CP322067 CP332101 CP
      342134 CP352167 CP362201 CP
      372234 CP382267 CP392301 CP
      402334 CP412364 CP422393 CP
      432423 CP442454 CP452484 CP
      462515 CP472545 CP482576 CP
      492607 CP502639 CP

      Pokédex information

      Pokédex Number#125
      Height1.1 m
      Weight30 kg
      RegionKanto Generation 1
      Can be tradedAllowed
      Pokémon Home transferAllowed
      Base Catch Rate20%
      Base Flee Rate9%
      Catch rewards
      3 Candy
      100 Stardust
      Additional Move Cost
      75 Candy
      75000 Candy

      Encounter data

      No encounter data available

      How to purify Shadow Electabuzz

      Purification cost5 Candy
      5000 Stardust
      Shadow Charge MoveNormalFrustration
      Purified Charge MoveNormalReturn

      Mega Pokémon that boost Shadow Electabuzz


      A list of Mega Pokémon that boost Shadow Electabuzz's Electric-type moves, Candy, and Candy XL from catching Shadow Electabuzz.

      Electric Electric

      Pokédex informationMore information

      Mega and Primal Raid BonusMega Pokémon boost the attack power of all other Pokémon when battling in Raid Battles by 10%. Attacks that share their type with the Mega Pokémon's type(s) receive a 30% boost. However, these bonuses do not stack if there are multiple Mega-Evolved Pokémon battling simultaneously; only the higher boost will be applied.

      Mega and Primal Catch BonusWhile a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

      Note on Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon, and Mega Rayquaza
      • Primal Kyogre boosts Water-, Electric- and Bug-type attacks and Pokémon.
      • Primal Groudon boosts Fire-, Grass- and Ground-type attacks and Pokémon.
      • Mega Rayquaza boosts Flying-, Dragon- and Psychic-type attacks and Pokémon.

      Catch Rates

      Catch Rates

      The base catch rate for Shadow Electabuzz in Pokémon GO is 16.74%, calculated for catching a Level 20 with no berries. Curved Great throw has a 37.32% chance to catch, and adding a Razz Berry raises that to 50.38%.

              No Berry
              Razz BerryRazz Berry
              Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry
              - 28.09%31.56%39.02%45.67%
              Golden Razz BerryGolden Razz Berry
              - 36.74%40.94%49.69%57.14%
              InfoMore information

              Catch probability with multiple throws

              In order to help Trainers understand their overall odds when catching Shadow Electabuzz, we enable the functionality to showing the total chance to catch it depending on the number of available throws. We calculate this chance as if you repeated the same throw N-number of times.

              To activate this functionality, change the number of Number of throws to a value greater than 1. The Number of throws option is available in the configuration options above the chart

              Catch rate formula

              Pokémon GO catch rate formula can be expressed as follows:

              • CATCH_MULTIPLIERS = ball * curve * berry * throwType * (type1Medal + type2Medal / 2)
              • CATCH_RATE = 1 - Math.pow(1 - baseCatchRate / (2 * cpm), CATCH_MULTIPLIERS)

              There are different multipliers that come into play when calculating catch rate.

              Curved throws are more effective than regular throws, stronger types of Poké Ball have a higher catch rate, and using a Razz Berry or a Golden Razz Berry also improves your chances.

              Catch rate multipliers

              The following table shows all the different catch rate multipliers in Pokémon GO:

              Razz Berry1.5
              Silver Pinap Berry1.8
              Golden Razz Berry2.5
              Nice Throw1.15
              Great Throw1.5
              Excellent Throw1.85
              Premier Ball1.0
              Great Ball1.5
              Ultra Ball2.0
              Bronze medal1.1
              Silver medal1.2
              Gold medal1.3

              Shadow Electabuzz evolution chart

              Thumbnail image of ElekidElekid
              • Candy Icon25 Candy
              Thumbnail image of ElectabuzzElectabuzz
              Thumbnail image of ElectabuzzElectabuzz
              • Candy Icon100 Candy
              • Special Item: Sinnoh Stone
              Thumbnail image of ElectivireElectivire
              • Elekid evolves into Electabuzz which costs 25 Candy.
              • Electabuzz evolves into Electivire which costs 100 Candy. You need to use a Sinnoh Stone to evolve.

              Shadow Electabuzz family

              A list of Pokémon that are somehow related to Shadow Electabuzz in Pokémon GO. Includes evolutions, regional, and form variations.

              Official artwork of ElectabuzzElectabuzz
              Official artwork of ElekidElekid
              Official artwork of ElectivireElectivire
              Shadow Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Shadow ElectabuzzShadow Electabuzz
              Shadow Pokemon BackgroundOfficial artwork of Shadow ElectivireShadow Electivire

              Shadow Electabuzz high resolution sprites


              A list of high resolution Pokémon HOME sprites related to Shadow Electabuzz. Sprite description is a best guess on what the sprite is related to, use your own judgment. Click to download full 512x512 resolution.


              Shadow ElectabuzzShadow ElectabuzzShadow ElectabuzzShadow Electabuzz

              Shadow Electabuzz Pokédex entries

              VersionsPokédex entry
              Red, BlueNormally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities.
              YellowIf a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this POKéMON has eaten electricity at a power plant.
              GoldElectricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its en­ tire body glows a whitish-blue.
              SilverIts body constant­ ly discharges electricity. Get­ ting close to it will make your hair stand on end.
              CrystalWhen two ELECTABUZZ touch, they control the electric currents to communicate their feelings.
              Ruby, SapphireWhen a storm arrives, gangs of this POKéMON compete with each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning bolts. Some towns use ELECTABUZZ in place of lightning rods.
              EmeraldWhen a storm approaches, it competes with others to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning. Some towns use ELECTABUZZ in place of lightning rods.
              FireRedIt loves to feed on strong electricity. It occasionally appears around large power plants and so on.
              LeafGreenNormally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities.
              Diamond, PearlHalf of all blackouts occur when this Pokémon appears at power plants and eats electricity.
              Platinum, Black, WhiteIt windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime.
              HeartGoldElectricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its entire body glows a whitish-blue.
              SoulSilverIts body constantly discharges electricity. Getting close to it will make your hair stand on end.
              Black 2, White 2Research is progressing on storing lightning in Electabuzz so this energy can be used at any time.
              XElectricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its entire body glows a whitish blue.
              YIt loves to feed on strong electricity. It occasionally appears around large power plants and so on.
              Omega Ruby, Alpha SapphireWhen a storm arrives, gangs of this Pokémon compete with each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by lightning bolts. Some towns use Electabuzz in place of lightning rods.
              SunHalf of all sudden blackouts are caused by Electabuzz gathering at electric power plants and gobbling up electricity.
              MoonElectricity leaks from it in amounts far greater than the amount of electricity it eats.
              Ultra SunElectricity permeates its body. It swings its arms round and round to charge up electricity before unleashing a punch.
              Ultra MoonWhile it’s often blamed for power outages, the truth is the cause of outages is more often an error on the part of the electric company.
              Let's Go, Pikachu!, Let's Go, Eevee!If a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this Pokémon has eaten electricity at a power plant.
              SwordMany power plants keep Ground-type Pokémon around as a defense against Electabuzz that come seeking electricity.
              ShieldWith the coming of a storm, many of these Pokémon will gather under tall trees and sit there waiting for lightning to strike.
              Legends: ArceusFeeds on electrical energy. During sudden showers beneath looming thunderclouds, one can observe Electabuzz scaling tall trees, where the Pokémon will then wait for lightning to strike.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              What are Shadow Electabuzz’s strengths and weaknesses?

              As a Electric-type Pokémon, Shadow Electabuzz is weak to Ground-type moves.

              What are the best moves for Shadow Electabuzz in Pokémon GO?

              The best moves for Shadow Electabuzz in Pokémon GO are Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt. This moveset has a DPS (Damage Per Second) of 13.579 and a TDO (Total Damage Output) of 143.18.

              How does Shadow Electabuzz perform in Raids?

              Shadow Electabuzz's Raid attacker tier is currently not known, has no viable moves, or it is too low to be ranked.

              How does Shadow Electabuzz rank as a Electric-type attacker?

              Shadow Electabuzz is a C-Tier Electric-type attacker, ranking at number #48. It is recommended only when you lack higher-tier options.

              What Mega Pokémon boost Shadow Electabuzz?

              The following Mega Pokémon boost Shadow Electabuzz: Mega Ampharos, Mega Manectric, and Primal Kyogre.

              What is Shadow Electabuzz’s maximum CP at Level 40 and Level 50?

              Shadow Electabuzz’s maximum CP at Level 40 is 2334 CP and 2639 CP at Level 50.

              Can Shadow Electabuzz be shiny in Pokémon GO?

              Shadow Electabuzz cannot be shiny in Pokémon GO.

              Can Shadow Electabuzz Dynamax in Pokémon GO?

              Shadow Electabuzz cannot Dynamax in Pokémon GO.