Eternatus CP and IV Chart

Eternatus CP and IV Chart
Official artwork of Eternatus

Eternatus CPs from Field Research, Eggs, and Raids

Eternatus can have the following Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter. Eternatus hundo CP (100% IV) from Raid encounters is 2530 CP, and 3163 CP when weather boosted.

Max CPMax CP5007 CP - 100% IVs
Raid catchRaids2530 CP - 100% IVs
2435 CP - 67% IVs
Raid catchRaids with weather boost3163 CP - 100% IVs
3044 CP - 67% IVs
  • cloudyCloudy
  • windyWindy
Field ResearchResearch1898 CP - 100% IVs
1826 CP - 67% IVs
Pokémon EggEggs2530 CP - 100% IVs
2435 CP - 67% IVs

Eternatus CP and IV Chart

Eternatus's complete IV Chart shows IV and CP values for IVs in the following range 10/10/10 to 15/15/15. IVs are color coded, ranging from deep green for highest IV value, to deep red for the lowest possible value.

% 🔽
Raid (Weather)
Max CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
1898 CP2530 CP3163 CP5007 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 15
1891 CP2522 CP3153 CP4990 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 15
1893 CP2524 CP3156 CP4995 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 14
1895 CP2526 CP3158 CP4998 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 15
1885 CP2513 CP3142 CP4973 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 15
1887 CP2516 CP3145 CP4978 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 14
1888 CP2517 CP3147 CP4981 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 15
1889 CP2518 CP3148 CP4983 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 14
1890 CP2520 CP3150 CP4986 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 13
1891 CP2521 CP3152 CP4989 CP
  • 12
  • 15
  • 15
1878 CP2504 CP3131 CP4956 CP
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
1880 CP2507 CP3134 CP4961 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 14
1882 CP2509 CP3136 CP4964 CP
  • 14
  • 13
  • 15
1882 CP2510 CP3137 CP4966 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
1884 CP2511 CP3139 CP4969 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 13
1885 CP2513 CP3141 CP4972 CP
  • 15
  • 12
  • 15
1884 CP2512 CP3140 CP4971 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 14
1885 CP2514 CP3142 CP4974 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 13
1887 CP2515 CP3145 CP4977 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 12
1888 CP2517 CP3147 CP4980 CP
1 of 11


Eternatus can have different Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter.

  • Field and Special Research encounters are always Level 15. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Field Research encounters have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Pokémon hatched from Eggs are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Egg Hatches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Raid Bosses caught without weather boost are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Raid Bosses caught with weather boost are always Level 25. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Weather boosted Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Wild encounters range from Level 1 to Level 30 Pokémon. Their IVs range from 0 (min) to 15 (max) for each stat.
  • Weather Boosted wild Pokémon encounters get a 5 Level boost, bringing their Level range to Level 6 to Level 35. In addition, they have a guaraneed minimum IV value of 4 for each stat, resulting in a 4/4/4 IV floor.

Eternatus Max CP per level chart

Eternatus Max CP per level chart

Complete Eternatus Min and Max CP chart can be found below. The table shows Minimum and Maximum Combat Power from Level 1 to Level 50.

Min CP
Max CP
Min HP
Max HP
504452 CP5007 CP225.2237.8
494399 CP4948 CP223.9236.4
484347 CP4888 CP222.5235.0
474295 CP4830 CP221.2233.6
464243 CP4771 CP219.8232.1
454191 CP4713 CP218.5230.7
444140 CP4656 CP217.2229.3
434089 CP4598 CP215.8227.9
424038 CP4542 CP214.5226.5
413988 CP4485 CP213.1225.1
403938 CP4429 CP211.8223.7
393882 CP4365 CP210.3222.1
383826 CP4302 CP208.8220.4
373769 CP4239 CP207.2218.8
363713 CP4176 CP205.7217.2
353657 CP4112 CP204.1215.5
343601 CP4049 CP202.5213.9
333544 CP3986 CP200.9212.2
323488 CP3923 CP199.3210.5
313432 CP3860 CP197.7208.8
303376 CP3796 CP196.1207.1
293263 CP3670 CP192.8203.6
283151 CP3543 CP189.4200.0
273038 CP3416 CP186.0196.4
262925 CP3290 CP182.6192.8
252813 CP3163 CP179.0189.0
242700 CP3037 CP175.4185.2
232588 CP2910 CP171.7181.3
222475 CP2784 CP167.9177.3
212363 CP2657 CP164.1173.2
202250 CP2530 CP160.1169.1
192138 CP2404 CP156.1164.8
182025 CP2277 CP151.9160.4
171913 CP2151 CP147.6155.9
161800 CP2024 CP143.2151.2
151688 CP1898 CP138.7146.4
141575 CP1771 CP134.0141.5
131463 CP1645 CP129.1136.3
121350 CP1518 CP124.0131.0
111238 CP1392 CP118.8125.4
101125 CP1265 CP113.2119.6
91006 CP1132 CP107.1113.1
8887 CP998 CP100.6106.2
7769 CP864 CP93.698.8
6650 CP731 CP86.190.9
5531 CP597 CP77.882.1
4412 CP463 CP68.572.4
3293 CP330 CP57.861.1
2174 CP196 CP44.647.1
155 CP62 CP25.226.6