Gastrodon (East Sea) CP and IV Chart

Gastrodon (East Sea) CP and IV Chart
Official artwork of Gastrodon (East Sea)

Gastrodon (East Sea) CPs from Field Research, Eggs, and Raids

Gastrodon (East Sea) can have the following Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter. Gastrodon (East Sea) hundo CP (100% IV) from Raid encounters is 1328 CP, and 1660 CP when weather boosted.

Max CPMax CP2628 CP - 100% IVs
Raid catchRaids1328 CP - 100% IVs
1259 CP - 67% IVs
Raid catchRaids with weather boost1660 CP - 100% IVs
1574 CP - 67% IVs
  • rainRain
  • sunnySunny
Field ResearchResearch996 CP - 100% IVs
944 CP - 67% IVs
Pokémon EggEggs1328 CP - 100% IVs
1259 CP - 67% IVs

Gastrodon (East Sea) CP and IV Chart

Gastrodon (East Sea)'s complete IV Chart shows IV and CP values for IVs in the following range 10/10/10 to 15/15/15. IVs are color coded, ranging from deep green for highest IV value, to deep red for the lowest possible value.

% 🔽
Raid (Weather)
Max CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
996 CP1328 CP1660 CP2628 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 15
990 CP1321 CP1651 CP2613 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 15
993 CP1324 CP1655 CP2619 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 14
994 CP1325 CP1657 CP2623 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 15
985 CP1313 CP1642 CP2599 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 15
987 CP1316 CP1646 CP2605 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 14
989 CP1318 CP1648 CP2608 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 15
990 CP1319 CP1650 CP2611 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 14
991 CP1321 CP1652 CP2614 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 13
992 CP1323 CP1654 CP2618 CP
  • 12
  • 15
  • 15
980 CP1306 CP1633 CP2585 CP
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
982 CP1309 CP1637 CP2591 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 14
983 CP1311 CP1639 CP2594 CP
  • 14
  • 13
  • 15
984 CP1312 CP1641 CP2597 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
985 CP1314 CP1643 CP2600 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 13
987 CP1316 CP1645 CP2603 CP
  • 15
  • 12
  • 15
986 CP1315 CP1644 CP2603 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 14
988 CP1317 CP1646 CP2606 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 13
989 CP1319 CP1648 CP2609 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 12
990 CP1320 CP1650 CP2612 CP
1 of 11


Gastrodon (East Sea) can have different Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter.

  • Field and Special Research encounters are always Level 15. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Field Research encounters have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Pokémon hatched from Eggs are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Egg Hatches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Raid Bosses caught without weather boost are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Raid Bosses caught with weather boost are always Level 25. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Weather boosted Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Wild encounters range from Level 1 to Level 30 Pokémon. Their IVs range from 0 (min) to 15 (max) for each stat.
  • Weather Boosted wild Pokémon encounters get a 5 Level boost, bringing their Level range to Level 6 to Level 35. In addition, they have a guaraneed minimum IV value of 4 for each stat, resulting in a 4/4/4 IV floor.

Gastrodon (East Sea) Max CP per level chart

Gastrodon (East Sea) Max CP per level chart

Complete Gastrodon (East Sea) Min and Max CP chart can be found below. The table shows Minimum and Maximum Combat Power from Level 1 to Level 50.

Min CP
Max CP
Min HP
Max HP
502229 CP2628 CP205.0217.6
492202 CP2597 CP203.8216.3
482176 CP2566 CP202.6215.0
472150 CP2535 CP201.4213.8
462124 CP2504 CP200.2212.5
452098 CP2474 CP198.9211.2
442072 CP2443 CP197.7209.9
432047 CP2413 CP196.5208.6
422021 CP2383 CP195.3207.3
411996 CP2354 CP194.1206.0
401971 CP2324 CP192.8204.7
391943 CP2291 CP191.5203.2
381915 CP2258 CP190.1201.7
371887 CP2225 CP188.7200.3
361859 CP2191 CP187.2198.8
351830 CP2158 CP185.8197.2
341802 CP2125 CP184.4195.7
331774 CP2092 CP182.9194.2
321746 CP2059 CP181.5192.6
311718 CP2025 CP180.0191.1
301690 CP1992 CP178.5189.5
291633 CP1926 CP175.5186.3
281577 CP1859 CP172.5183.1
271521 CP1793 CP169.4179.8
261464 CP1727 CP166.2176.4
251408 CP1660 CP163.0173.0
241352 CP1594 CP159.7169.5
231295 CP1527 CP156.3165.9
221239 CP1461 CP152.9162.3
211182 CP1394 CP149.4158.5
201126 CP1328 CP145.8154.7
191070 CP1261 CP142.1150.8
181014 CP1195 CP138.3146.8
17957 CP1129 CP134.4142.7
16901 CP1062 CP130.4138.4
15845 CP996 CP126.2134.0
14788 CP930 CP122.0129.5
13732 CP863 CP117.5124.8
12676 CP797 CP112.9119.9
11619 CP730 CP108.1114.8
10563 CP664 CP103.1109.4
9503 CP594 CP97.5103.5
8444 CP524 CP91.697.2
7384 CP453 CP85.290.4
6325 CP383 CP78.383.2
5265 CP313 CP70.875.2
4206 CP243 CP62.466.2
3146 CP173 CP52.655.9
287 CP103 CP40.643.1
127 CP32 CP22.924.3