Floette CP and IV Chart

Floette CP and IV Chart
Official artwork of Floette

Floette CPs from Field Research, Eggs, and Raids

Floette can have the following Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter. Floette hundo CP (100% IV) from Raid encounters is 875 CP, and 1094 CP when weather boosted.

Max CPMax CP1732 CP - 100% IVs
Raid catchRaids875 CP - 100% IVs
820 CP - 67% IVs
Raid catchRaids with weather boost1094 CP - 100% IVs
1025 CP - 67% IVs
  • cloudyCloudy
Field ResearchResearch656 CP - 100% IVs
615 CP - 67% IVs
Pokémon EggEggs875 CP - 100% IVs
820 CP - 67% IVs

Floette CP and IV Chart

Floette's complete IV Chart shows IV and CP values for IVs in the following range 10/10/10 to 15/15/15. IVs are color coded, ranging from deep green for highest IV value, to deep red for the lowest possible value.

% 🔽
Raid (Weather)
Max CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
656 CP875 CP1094 CP1732 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 15
652 CP869 CP1087 CP1720 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 15
654 CP872 CP1091 CP1726 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 14
654 CP872 CP1091 CP1726 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 15
648 CP863 CP1079 CP1709 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 15
650 CP867 CP1083 CP1715 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 14
650 CP866 CP1083 CP1715 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 15
652 CP870 CP1087 CP1721 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 14
652 CP870 CP1087 CP1721 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 13
652 CP869 CP1087 CP1721 CP
  • 12
  • 15
  • 15
643 CP858 CP1072 CP1697 CP
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
646 CP861 CP1076 CP1704 CP
  • 13
  • 15
  • 14
645 CP861 CP1076 CP1703 CP
  • 14
  • 13
  • 15
648 CP864 CP1080 CP1710 CP
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
648 CP864 CP1080 CP1710 CP
  • 14
  • 15
  • 13
648 CP864 CP1080 CP1709 CP
  • 15
  • 12
  • 15
650 CP867 CP1084 CP1716 CP
  • 15
  • 13
  • 14
650 CP867 CP1084 CP1716 CP
  • 15
  • 14
  • 13
650 CP867 CP1084 CP1716 CP
  • 15
  • 15
  • 12
650 CP867 CP1084 CP1715 CP
1 of 11


Floette can have different Combat Power (CP), Individual Values (IVs), and Health (HP) when caught from a Research encounter, Raid encounter, and as a GO Battle League reward encounter.

  • Field and Special Research encounters are always Level 15. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Field Research encounters have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Pokémon hatched from Eggs are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Egg Hatches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
  • Raid Bosses caught without weather boost are always Level 20. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Raid Bosses caught with weather boost are always Level 25. IVs range from 10 (min) to 15 (max). Weather boosted Raid Catches have a 10/10/10 IV floor.
    • 😈 Shadow Pokémon have 6/6/6 IV floor in raids.
  • Wild encounters range from Level 1 to Level 30 Pokémon. Their IVs range from 0 (min) to 15 (max) for each stat.
  • Weather Boosted wild Pokémon encounters get a 5 Level boost, bringing their Level range to Level 6 to Level 35. In addition, they have a guaraneed minimum IV value of 4 for each stat, resulting in a 4/4/4 IV floor.

Floette Max CP per level chart

Floette Max CP per level chart

Complete Floette Min and Max CP chart can be found below. The table shows Minimum and Maximum Combat Power from Level 1 to Level 50.

Min CP
Max CP
Min HP
Max HP
501416 CP1732 CP121.0133.6
491399 CP1711 CP120.3132.8
481382 CP1691 CP119.6132.0
471365 CP1670 CP118.8131.2
461349 CP1650 CP118.1130.4
451333 CP1630 CP117.4129.6
441316 CP1610 CP116.7128.8
431300 CP1590 CP116.0128.0
421284 CP1571 CP115.2127.2
411268 CP1551 CP114.5126.5
401252 CP1532 CP113.8125.7
391234 CP1510 CP113.0124.8
381216 CP1488 CP112.2123.9
371198 CP1466 CP111.3122.9
361180 CP1444 CP110.5122.0
351163 CP1422 CP109.7121.1
341145 CP1400 CP108.8120.2
331127 CP1379 CP108.0119.2
321109 CP1357 CP107.1118.3
311091 CP1335 CP106.2117.3
301073 CP1313 CP105.4116.3
291037 CP1269 CP103.6114.4
281002 CP1225 CP101.8112.4
27966 CP1182 CP100.0110.4
26930 CP1138 CP98.1108.3
25894 CP1094 CP96.2106.2
24858 CP1050 CP94.2104.1
23823 CP1006 CP92.3101.9
22787 CP963 CP90.299.6
21751 CP919 CP88.297.3
20715 CP875 CP86.095.0
19679 CP831 CP83.892.6
18644 CP787 CP81.690.1
17608 CP744 CP79.387.6
16572 CP700 CP76.985.0
15536 CP656 CP74.582.3
14501 CP612 CP72.079.5
13465 CP569 CP69.476.6
12429 CP525 CP66.673.6
11393 CP481 CP63.870.5
10357 CP437 CP60.867.2
9320 CP391 CP57.563.5
8282 CP345 CP54.059.7
7244 CP299 CP50.355.5
6206 CP252 CP46.251.1
5168 CP206 CP41.846.1
4131 CP160 CP36.840.7
393 CP114 CP31.134.3
255 CP67 CP24.026.5
117 CP21 CP13.514.9