Kanto Pokédex (Gen 1)

Eine Liste aller Pokémon der Kanto-Region, die derzeit in Pokémon GO verfügbar sind. Schatten-Pokémon sind nicht enthalten. Pokémon, deren schillernde Form in Pokémon GO verfügbar ist, haben ein schillerndes Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke. Pokémon, die nicht verfügbar sind, haben einen roten Hintergrund hinter sich.

204 von 206 Pokémon aus der Kanto Region sind in Pokémon GO verfügbar. Diese Anzahl beinhaltet alle Formen. Es gibt 151 Pokémon (ohne Formen) in dieser Generation.

Pokémon GO Kanto Pokédex



Thumbnail image of BisasamBisasamSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of BisaknospBisaknospSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of BisaflorBisaflorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-BisaflorGigadynamax-BisaflorSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BisaflorMega Pokémon iconMega BisaflorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GlumandaGlumandaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GlutexoGlutexoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GlurakGlurakSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-GlurakGigadynamax-GlurakSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega X GlurakMega Pokémon iconMega X GlurakSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega Y GlurakMega Pokémon iconMega Y GlurakSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SchiggySchiggySchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SchillokSchillokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TurtokTurtokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-TurtokGigadynamax-TurtokSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega TurtokMega Pokémon iconMega TurtokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RaupyRaupySchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SafconSafconSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SmettboSmettboSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of HornliuHornliuSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KokunaKokunaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of BiborBiborSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BiborMega Pokémon iconMega BiborSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TaubsiTaubsiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TaubogaTaubogaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TaubossTaubossSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega TaubossMega Pokémon iconMega TaubossSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RattfratzRattfratzSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola RattfratzAlola RattfratzSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RattikarlRattikarlSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola RattikarlAlola RattikarlSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of HabitakHabitakSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of IbitakIbitakSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RettanRettanSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ArbokArbokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PikachuPikachuSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RaichuRaichuSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola RaichuAlola RaichuSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SandanSandanSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola SandanAlola SandanSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SandamerSandamerSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola SandamerAlola SandamerSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Nidoran♀Nidoran♀SchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NidorinaNidorinaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NidoqueenNidoqueenSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Nidoran♂Nidoran♂SchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NidorinoNidorinoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NidokingNidokingSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PiepiPiepiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PixiPixiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of VulpixVulpixSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola VulpixAlola VulpixSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of VulnonaVulnonaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola VulnonaAlola VulnonaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PummeluffPummeluffSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KnuddeluffKnuddeluffSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ZubatZubatSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GolbatGolbatSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MyraplaMyraplaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DuflorDuflorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GiflorGiflorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ParasParasSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ParasekParasekSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of BluzukBluzukSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of OmotOmotSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DigdaDigdaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola DigdaAlola DigdaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DigdriDigdriSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola DigdriAlola DigdriSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MauziMauziSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola MauziAlola MauziSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar MauziGalar MauziSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SnobilikatSnobilikatSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola SnobilikatAlola SnobilikatSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of EntonEntonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of EntoronEntoronSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MenkiMenkiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RasaffRasaffSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of FukanoFukanoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Hisui FukanoHisui FukanoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ArkaniArkaniSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Hisui ArkaniHisui ArkaniSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of QuapselQuapselSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of QuaputziQuaputziSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of QuappoQuappoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AbraAbraSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KadabraKadabraSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SimsalaSimsalaSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SimsalaMega Pokémon iconMega SimsalaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MacholloMacholloSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MaschockMaschockSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MachomeiMachomeiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KnofensaKnofensaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of UltrigariaUltrigariaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SarzeniaSarzeniaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TentachaTentachaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TentoxaTentoxaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KleinsteinKleinsteinSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola KleinsteinAlola KleinsteinSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GeorokGeorokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola GeorokAlola GeorokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GeowazGeowazSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola GeowazAlola GeowazSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PonitaPonitaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar PonitaGalar PonitaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GallopaGallopaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar GallopaGalar GallopaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of FlegmonFlegmonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar FlegmonGalar FlegmonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of LahmusLahmusSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar LahmusGalar LahmusSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega LahmusMega Pokémon iconMega LahmusSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MagnetiloMagnetiloSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MagnetonMagnetonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PorentaPorentaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar PorentaGalar PorentaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DoduDoduSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DodriDodriSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of JurobJurobSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of JugongJugongSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SleimaSleimaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola SleimaAlola SleimaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SleimokSleimokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola SleimokAlola SleimokSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MuschasMuschasSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AustosAustosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NebulakNebulakSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AlpolloAlpolloSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GengarGengarSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-GengarGigadynamax-GengarSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GengarMega Pokémon iconMega GengarSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of OnixOnixSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TraumatoTraumatoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of HypnoHypnoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KrabbyKrabbySchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KinglerKinglerSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-KinglerGigadynamax-KinglerSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of VoltobalVoltobalSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Hisui VoltobalHisui VoltobalSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of LektrobalLektrobalSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Hisui LektrobalHisui LektrobalSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of OweiOweiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KokoweiKokoweiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola KokoweiAlola KokoweiSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TragossoTragossoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KnoggaKnoggaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Alola KnoggaAlola KnoggaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KickleeKickleeSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of NockchanNockchanSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SchlurpSchlurpSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SmogonSmogonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SmogmogSmogmogSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar SmogmogGalar SmogmogSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RihornRihornSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RizerosRizerosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ChaneiraChaneiraSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TangelaTangelaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KangamaKangamaSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega KangamaMega Pokémon iconMega KangamaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SeeperSeeperSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SeemonSeemonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GoldiniGoldiniSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GolkingGolkingSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SternduSternduSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of StarmieStarmieSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PantimosPantimosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar PantimosGalar PantimosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of SichlorSichlorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RossanaRossanaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ElektekElektekSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MagmarMagmarSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PinsirPinsirSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega PinsirMega Pokémon iconMega PinsirSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of TaurosTaurosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KarpadorKarpadorSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of GaradosGaradosSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GaradosMega Pokémon iconMega GaradosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of LaprasLaprasSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Gigadynamax-LaprasGigadynamax-LaprasSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DittoDittoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of EvoliEvoliSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AquanaAquanaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of BlitzaBlitzaSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of FlamaraFlamaraSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of PorygonPorygonSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AmonitasAmonitasSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AmorosoAmorosoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KabutoKabutoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of KabutopsKabutopsSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of AerodactylAerodactylSchillerndYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AerodactylMega Pokémon iconMega AerodactylSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of RelaxoRelaxoSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of ArktosArktosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar ArktosGalar ArktosYes
Thumbnail image of ZapdosZapdosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar ZapdosGalar ZapdosYes
Thumbnail image of LavadosLavadosSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Galar LavadosGalar LavadosYes
Thumbnail image of DratiniDratiniSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DragonirDragonirSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of DragoranDragoranSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of MewtuMewtuSchillerndYes
Thumbnail image of Rüstungs-MewtuRüstungs-MewtuYes
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega X MewtuMega Pokémon iconMega X MewtuNo
Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega Y MewtuMega Pokémon iconMega Y MewtuNo
Thumbnail image of MewMewSchillerndYes