Pokémon der Johto Region in Pokémon GO


Entdecke die vollständige Liste aller Pokémon der Johto Region aus Generation 2, die in Pokémon GO verfügbar sind. Erhalte Statistiken, Stärken, Schwächen, Attacken, Kampfkraft und Evolutionsdetails, um dein Spielerlebnis zu maximieren. Fang sie alle mit unserem umfassenden Leitfaden!

Max CP
152Thumbnail image of EndivieEndivieGrass1057 WP92 ANG122 VERT128 AUS
153Thumbnail image of LorblattLorblattGrass1644 WP122 ANG155 VERT155 AUS
154Thumbnail image of MeganieMeganieGrass2725 WP168 ANG202 VERT190 AUS
155Thumbnail image of FeurigelFeurigelFire1108 WP116 ANG93 VERT118 AUS
156Thumbnail image of IgelavarIgelavarFire1868 WP158 ANG126 VERT151 AUS
157Thumbnail image of TornuptoTornuptoFire3266 WP223 ANG173 VERT186 AUS
157Thumbnail image of Hisui TornuptoHisui TornuptoFireGhost3385 WP238 ANG172 VERT177 AUS
158Thumbnail image of KarnimaniKarnimaniWater1279 WP117 ANG109 VERT137 AUS
159Thumbnail image of TyracrocTyracrocWater1947 WP150 ANG142 VERT163 AUS
160Thumbnail image of ImpergatorImpergatorWater3230 WP205 ANG188 VERT198 AUS
161Thumbnail image of WiesorWiesorNormal698 WP79 ANG73 VERT111 AUS
162Thumbnail image of WieseniorWieseniorNormal1987 WP148 ANG125 VERT198 AUS
163Thumbnail image of HoothootHoothootNormalFlying766 WP67 ANG88 VERT155 AUS
164Thumbnail image of NoctuhNoctuhNormalFlying2288 WP145 ANG156 VERT225 AUS
165Thumbnail image of LedybaLedybaBugFlying823 WP72 ANG118 VERT120 AUS
166Thumbnail image of LedianLedianBugFlying1522 WP107 ANG179 VERT146 AUS
167Thumbnail image of WebarakWebarakBugPoison923 WP105 ANG73 VERT120 AUS
168Thumbnail image of AriadosAriadosBugPoison2003 WP161 ANG124 VERT172 AUS
169Thumbnail image of IksbatIksbatPoisonFlying2992 WP194 ANG178 VERT198 AUS
170Thumbnail image of LampiLampiWaterElectric1265 WP106 ANG97 VERT181 AUS
171Thumbnail image of LanturnLanturnWaterElectric2357 WP146 ANG137 VERT268 AUS
172Thumbnail image of PichuPichuElectric535 WP77 ANG53 VERT85 AUS
173Thumbnail image of PiiPiiFairy759 WP75 ANG79 VERT137 AUS
174Thumbnail image of FluffeluffFluffeluffNormalFairy605 WP69 ANG32 VERT207 AUS
175Thumbnail image of TogepiTogepiFairy743 WP67 ANG116 VERT111 AUS
176Thumbnail image of TogeticTogeticFairyFlying1931 WP139 ANG181 VERT146 AUS
177Thumbnail image of NatuNatuPsychicFlying1246 WP134 ANG89 VERT120 AUS
178Thumbnail image of XatuXatuPsychicFlying2474 WP192 ANG146 VERT163 AUS
179Thumbnail image of VoltilammVoltilammElectric1120 WP114 ANG79 VERT146 AUS
180Thumbnail image of WaatyWaatyElectric1720 WP145 ANG109 VERT172 AUS
181Thumbnail image of AmpharosAmpharosElectric3225 WP211 ANG169 VERT207 AUS
181Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AmpharosMega Pokémon iconMega AmpharosElectricDragon4799 WP294 ANG203 VERT207 AUS
182Thumbnail image of BlubellaBlubellaGrass2578 WP169 ANG186 VERT181 AUS
183Thumbnail image of MarillMarillWaterFairy521 WP37 ANG93 VERT172 AUS
184Thumbnail image of AzumarillAzumarillWaterFairy1795 WP112 ANG152 VERT225 AUS
185Thumbnail image of MogelbaumMogelbaumRock2428 WP167 ANG176 VERT172 AUS
186Thumbnail image of QuaxoQuaxoWater2769 WP174 ANG179 VERT207 AUS
187Thumbnail image of HoppsprossHoppsprossGrassFlying678 WP67 ANG94 VERT111 AUS
188Thumbnail image of HubelupfHubelupfGrassFlying1103 WP91 ANG120 VERT146 AUS
189Thumbnail image of PapunghaPapunghaGrassFlying1850 WP118 ANG183 VERT181 AUS
190Thumbnail image of GriffelGriffelNormal1524 WP136 ANG112 VERT146 AUS
191Thumbnail image of SonnkernSonnkernGrass447 WP55 ANG55 VERT102 AUS
192Thumbnail image of SonnfloraSonnfloraGrass2421 WP185 ANG135 VERT181 AUS
193Thumbnail image of YanmaYanmaBugFlying1662 WP154 ANG94 VERT163 AUS
194Thumbnail image of FelinoFelinoWaterGround725 WP75 ANG66 VERT146 AUS
194Thumbnail image of Paldea FelinoPaldea FelinoPoisonGround725 WP75 ANG66 VERT146 AUS
195Thumbnail image of MorlordMorlordWaterGround2252 WP152 ANG143 VERT216 AUS
196Thumbnail image of PsianaPsianaPsychic3583 WP261 ANG175 VERT163 AUS
197Thumbnail image of NachtaraNachtaraDark2416 WP126 ANG240 VERT216 AUS
198Thumbnail image of KramurxKramurxDarkFlying1766 WP175 ANG87 VERT155 AUS
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