Pokémon da região Unova em Pokémon GO


Descubra a lista completa de todos os Pokémon da região Unova da Geração 5 disponíveis em Pokémon GO. Obtenha estatísticas, forças, fraquezas, ataques, poder de combate e detalhes de evolução para maximizar sua experiência de jogo. Capture todos eles com nosso guia abrangente!

Max CP
494Thumbnail image of VictiniVictiniPsychicFire3691 PC210 ATQ210 DEF225 STA
495Thumbnail image of SnivySnivyGrass960 PC88 ATQ107 DEF128 STA
496Thumbnail image of ServineServineGrass1629 PC122 ATQ152 DEF155 STA
497Thumbnail image of SerperiorSerperiorGrass2574 PC161 ATQ204 DEF181 STA
498Thumbnail image of TepigTepigFire1224 PC115 ATQ85 DEF163 STA
499Thumbnail image of PignitePigniteFireFighting2175 PC173 ATQ106 DEF207 STA
500Thumbnail image of EmboarEmboarFireFighting3372 PC235 ATQ127 DEF242 STA
501Thumbnail image of OshawottOshawottWater1182 PC117 ATQ85 DEF146 STA
502Thumbnail image of DewottDewottWater1968 PC159 ATQ116 DEF181 STA
503Thumbnail image of SamurottSamurottWater3194 PC212 ATQ157 DEF216 STA
503Thumbnail image of Samurott de HisuiSamurott de HisuiWaterDark3167 PC218 ATQ152 DEF207 STA
504Thumbnail image of PatratPatratNormal895 PC98 ATQ73 DEF128 STA
505Thumbnail image of WatchogWatchogNormal2056 PC165 ATQ139 DEF155 STA
506Thumbnail image of LillipupLillipupNormal1035 PC107 ATQ86 DEF128 STA
507Thumbnail image of HerdierHerdierNormal1789 PC145 ATQ126 DEF163 STA
508Thumbnail image of StoutlandStoutlandNormal3196 PC206 ATQ182 DEF198 STA
509Thumbnail image of PurrloinPurrloinDark872 PC98 ATQ73 DEF121 STA
510Thumbnail image of LiepardLiepardDark2087 PC187 ATQ106 DEF162 STA
511Thumbnail image of PansagePansageGrass1081 PC104 ATQ94 DEF137 STA
512Thumbnail image of SimisageSimisageGrass2657 PC206 ATQ133 DEF181 STA
513Thumbnail image of PansearPansearFire1081 PC104 ATQ94 DEF137 STA
514Thumbnail image of SimisearSimisearFire2657 PC206 ATQ133 DEF181 STA
515Thumbnail image of PanpourPanpourWater1081 PC104 ATQ94 DEF137 STA
516Thumbnail image of SimipourSimipourWater2657 PC206 ATQ133 DEF181 STA
517Thumbnail image of MunnaMunnaPsychic1294 PC111 ATQ92 DEF183 STA
518Thumbnail image of MusharnaMusharnaPsychic3079 PC183 ATQ166 DEF253 STA
519Thumbnail image of PidovePidoveNormalFlying958 PC98 ATQ80 DEF137 STA
520Thumbnail image of TranquillTranquillNormalFlying1631 PC144 ATQ107 DEF158 STA
521Thumbnail image of UnfezantUnfezantNormalFlying3091 PC226 ATQ146 DEF190 STA
522Thumbnail image of BlitzleBlitzleElectric998 PC118 ATQ64 DEF128 STA
523Thumbnail image of ZebstrikaZebstrikaElectric2745 PC211 ATQ136 DEF181 STA
524Thumbnail image of RoggenrolaRoggenrolaRock1362 PC121 ATQ110 DEF146 STA
525Thumbnail image of BoldoreBoldoreRock2293 PC174 ATQ143 DEF172 STA
526Thumbnail image of GigalithGigalithRock3650 PC226 ATQ201 DEF198 STA
527Thumbnail image of WoobatWoobatPsychicFlying1149 PC107 ATQ85 DEF163 STA
528Thumbnail image of SwoobatSwoobatPsychicFlying1940 PC161 ATQ119 DEF167 STA
529Thumbnail image of DrilburDrilburGround1555 PC154 ATQ85 DEF155 STA
530Thumbnail image of ExcadrillExcadrillGroundSteel3667 PC255 ATQ129 DEF242 STA
531Thumbnail image of AudinoAudinoNormal1902 PC114 ATQ163 DEF230 STA
531Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AudinoMega Pokémon iconMega AudinoNormalFairy2853 PC147 ATQ239 DEF230 STA
532Thumbnail image of TimburrTimburrFighting1487 PC134 ATQ87 DEF181 STA
533Thumbnail image of GurdurrGurdurrFighting2452 PC180 ATQ134 DEF198 STA
534Thumbnail image of ConkeldurrConkeldurrFighting3773 PC243 ATQ158 DEF233 STA
535Thumbnail image of TympoleTympoleWater948 PC98 ATQ78 DEF137 STA
536Thumbnail image of PalpitoadPalpitoadWaterGround1574 PC128 ATQ109 DEF181 STA
537Thumbnail image of SeismitoadSeismitoadWaterGround2899 PC188 ATQ150 DEF233 STA
538Thumbnail image of ThrohThrohFighting2896 PC172 ATQ160 DEF260 STA
539Thumbnail image of SawkSawkFighting3152 PC231 ATQ153 DEF181 STA
540Thumbnail image of SewaddleSewaddleBugGrass1105 PC96 ATQ124 DEF128 STA
541Thumbnail image of SwadloonSwadloonBugGrass1549 PC115 ATQ162 DEF146 STA
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