Lista de Pokémon Parceiro de 5 km

Uma lista de todos os Pokémon que requerem 5 km (3.06 milhas) de caminhada para ganhar 1 Doce como um Pokémon Parceiro. Um quilômetro equivale a 0,6214 milhas.

Max CP
95Thumbnail image of OnixOnixRockGround1245 PC85 ATQ232 DEF111 PS
106Thumbnail image of HitmonleeHitmonleeFighting2912 PC224 ATQ181 DEF137 PS
107Thumbnail image of HitmonchanHitmonchanFighting2636 PC193 ATQ197 DEF137 PS
113Thumbnail image of ChanseyChanseyNormal1418 PC60 ATQ128 DEF487 PS
122Thumbnail image of Mr. MimeMr. MimePsychicFairy2518 PC192 ATQ205 DEF120 PS
122Thumbnail image of Mr. Mime de GalarMr. Mime de GalarIcePsychic2338 PC183 ATQ169 DEF137 PS
123Thumbnail image of ScytherScytherBugFlying3060 PC218 ATQ170 DEF172 PS
124Thumbnail image of JynxJynxIcePsychic2888 PC223 ATQ151 DEF163 PS
125Thumbnail image of ElectabuzzElectabuzzElectric2639 PC198 ATQ158 DEF163 PS
126Thumbnail image of MagmarMagmarFire2706 PC206 ATQ154 DEF163 PS
127Thumbnail image of PinsirPinsirBug3345 PC238 ATQ182 DEF163 PS
127Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega PinsirMega Pokémon iconMega PinsirBugFlying4728 PC305 ATQ231 DEF163 PS
131Thumbnail image of LaprasLaprasWaterIce2985 PC165 ATQ174 DEF277 PS
131Thumbnail image of Lapras GigamaxLapras GigamaxWaterIce2985 PC165 ATQ174 DEF277 PS
133Thumbnail image of EeveeEeveeNormal1210 PC104 ATQ114 DEF146 PS
134Thumbnail image of VaporeonVaporeonWater3521 PC205 ATQ161 DEF277 PS
135Thumbnail image of JolteonJolteonElectric3265 PC232 ATQ182 DEF163 PS
136Thumbnail image of FlareonFlareonFire3424 PC246 ATQ179 DEF163 PS
138Thumbnail image of OmanyteOmanyteRockWater1746 PC155 ATQ153 DEF111 PS
139Thumbnail image of OmastarOmastarRockWater3150 PC207 ATQ201 DEF172 PS
140Thumbnail image of KabutoKabutoRockWater1549 PC148 ATQ140 DEF102 PS
141Thumbnail image of KabutopsKabutopsRockWater3067 PC220 ATQ186 DEF155 PS
142Thumbnail image of AerodactylAerodactylRockFlying3147 PC221 ATQ159 DEF190 PS
142Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AerodactylMega Pokémon iconMega AerodactylRockFlying4655 PC292 ATQ210 DEF190 PS
143Thumbnail image of SnorlaxSnorlaxNormal3647 PC190 ATQ169 DEF330 PS
143Thumbnail image of SnorlaxSnorlaxNormal3647 PC190 ATQ169 DEF330 PS
147Thumbnail image of DratiniDratiniDragon1136 PC119 ATQ91 DEF121 PS
148Thumbnail image of DragonairDragonairDragon2012 PC163 ATQ135 DEF156 PS
149Thumbnail image of DragoniteDragoniteDragonFlying4287 PC263 ATQ198 DEF209 PS
179Thumbnail image of MareepMareepElectric1120 PC114 ATQ79 DEF146 PS
180Thumbnail image of FlaaffyFlaaffyElectric1720 PC145 ATQ109 DEF172 PS
181Thumbnail image of AmpharosAmpharosElectric3225 PC211 ATQ169 DEF207 PS
181Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega AmpharosMega Pokémon iconMega AmpharosElectricDragon4799 PC294 ATQ203 DEF207 PS
185Thumbnail image of SudowoodoSudowoodoRock2428 PC167 ATQ176 DEF172 PS
196Thumbnail image of EspeonEspeonPsychic3583 PC261 ATQ175 DEF163 PS
197Thumbnail image of UmbreonUmbreonDark2416 PC126 ATQ240 DEF216 PS
201Thumbnail image of UnownUnownPsychic1339 PC136 ATQ91 DEF134 PS
204Thumbnail image of PinecoPinecoBug1253 PC108 ATQ122 DEF137 PS
205Thumbnail image of ForretressForretressBugSteel2580 PC161 ATQ205 DEF181 PS
207Thumbnail image of GligarGligarGroundFlying2099 PC143 ATQ184 DEF163 PS
208Thumbnail image of SteelixSteelixSteelGround2729 PC148 ATQ272 DEF181 PS
208Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega SteelixMega Pokémon iconMega SteelixSteelGround4149 PC212 ATQ327 DEF181 PS
212Thumbnail image of ScizorScizorBugSteel3393 PC236 ATQ181 DEF172 PS
212Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega ScizorMega Pokémon iconMega ScizorBugSteel4621 PC279 ATQ250 DEF172 PS
225Thumbnail image of DelibirdDelibirdIceFlying1237 PC128 ATQ90 DEF128 PS
226Thumbnail image of MantineMantineWaterFlying2383 PC148 ATQ226 DEF163 PS
227Thumbnail image of SkarmorySkarmorySteelFlying2383 PC148 ATQ226 DEF163 PS
236Thumbnail image of TyrogueTyrogueFighting556 PC64 ATQ64 DEF111 PS
237Thumbnail image of HitmontopHitmontopFighting2438 PC173 ATQ207 DEF137 PS
238Thumbnail image of SmoochumSmoochumIcePsychic1460 PC153 ATQ91 DEF128 PS
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