Lista de Pokémon Parceiro de 1 km

Uma lista de todos os Pokémon que requerem 1 km (0.61 milhas) de caminhada para ganhar 1 Doce como um Pokémon Parceiro. Um quilômetro equivale a 0,6214 milhas.

Max CP
10Thumbnail image of CaterpieCaterpieBug494 PC55 ATQ55 DEF128 STA
11Thumbnail image of MetapodMetapodBug509 PC45 ATQ80 DEF137 STA
12Thumbnail image of ButterfreeButterfreeBugFlying2065 PC167 ATQ137 DEF155 STA
13Thumbnail image of WeedleWeedleBugPoison515 PC63 ATQ50 DEF120 STA
14Thumbnail image of KakunaKakunaBugPoison488 PC46 ATQ75 DEF128 STA
15Thumbnail image of BeedrillBeedrillBugPoison2087 PC169 ATQ130 DEF163 STA
15Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega BeedrillMega Pokémon iconMega BeedrillBugPoison3824 PC303 ATQ148 DEF163 STA
16Thumbnail image of PidgeyPidgeyNormalFlying769 PC85 ATQ73 DEF120 STA
17Thumbnail image of PidgeottoPidgeottoNormalFlying1350 PC117 ATQ105 DEF160 STA
18Thumbnail image of PidgeotPidgeotNormalFlying2407 PC166 ATQ154 DEF195 STA
18Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega PidgeotMega Pokémon iconMega PidgeotNormalFlying4160 PC280 ATQ175 DEF195 STA
19Thumbnail image of RattataRattataNormal830 PC103 ATQ70 DEF102 STA
19Thumbnail image of Rattata de AlolaRattata de AlolaDarkNormal830 PC103 ATQ70 DEF102 STA
20Thumbnail image of RaticateRaticateNormal1956 PC161 ATQ139 DEF146 STA
20Thumbnail image of Raticate de AlolaRaticate de AlolaDarkNormal1927 PC135 ATQ154 DEF181 STA
21Thumbnail image of SpearowSpearowNormalFlying902 PC112 ATQ60 DEF120 STA
22Thumbnail image of FearowFearowNormalFlying2257 PC182 ATQ133 DEF163 STA
25Thumbnail image of PikachuPikachuElectric1060 PC112 ATQ96 DEF111 STA
26Thumbnail image of RaichuRaichuElectric2467 PC193 ATQ151 DEF155 STA
26Thumbnail image of Raichu de AlolaRaichu de AlolaElectricPsychic2585 PC201 ATQ154 DEF155 STA
35Thumbnail image of ClefairyClefairyFairy1306 PC107 ATQ108 DEF172 STA
36Thumbnail image of ClefableClefableFairy2755 PC178 ATQ162 DEF216 STA
39Thumbnail image of JigglypuffJigglypuffNormalFairy818 PC80 ATQ41 DEF251 STA
40Thumbnail image of WigglytuffWigglytuffNormalFairy2178 PC156 ATQ90 DEF295 STA
41Thumbnail image of ZubatZubatPoisonFlying754 PC83 ATQ73 DEF120 STA
42Thumbnail image of GolbatGolbatPoisonFlying2234 PC161 ATQ150 DEF181 STA
74Thumbnail image of GeodudeGeodudeRockGround1462 PC132 ATQ132 DEF120 STA
74Thumbnail image of Geodude de AlolaGeodude de AlolaRockElectric1462 PC132 ATQ132 DEF120 STA
75Thumbnail image of GravelerGravelerRockGround2145 PC164 ATQ164 DEF146 STA
75Thumbnail image of Graveler de AlolaGraveler de AlolaRockElectric2145 PC164 ATQ164 DEF146 STA
76Thumbnail image of GolemGolemRockGround3334 PC211 ATQ198 DEF190 STA
76Thumbnail image of Golem de AlolaGolem de AlolaRockElectric3334 PC211 ATQ198 DEF190 STA
128Thumbnail image of Tauros de PaldeaTauros de PaldeaFighting3207 PC210 ATQ193 DEF181 STA
128Thumbnail image of Tauros (Paldean Aqua Breed)Tauros (Paldean Aqua Breed)FightingWater3207 PC210 ATQ193 DEF181 STA
128Thumbnail image of Tauros (Paldean Blaze Breed)Tauros (Paldean Blaze Breed)FightingFire3207 PC210 ATQ193 DEF181 STA
129Thumbnail image of MagikarpMagikarpWater310 PC29 ATQ85 DEF85 STA
130Thumbnail image of GyaradosGyaradosWaterFlying3834 PC237 ATQ186 DEF216 STA
130Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega GyaradosMega Pokémon iconMega GyaradosWaterDark5332 PC292 ATQ247 DEF216 STA
150Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega X MewtwoMega Pokémon iconMega X MewtwoPsychicFighting7339 PC412 ATQ222 DEF235 STA
150Mega Pokemon BackgroundThumbnail image of Mega Y MewtwoMega Pokémon iconMega Y MewtwoPsychic7690 PC426 ATQ229 DEF235 STA
161Thumbnail image of SentretSentretNormal698 PC79 ATQ73 DEF111 STA
162Thumbnail image of FurretFurretNormal1987 PC148 ATQ125 DEF198 STA
163Thumbnail image of HoothootHoothootNormalFlying766 PC67 ATQ88 DEF155 STA
164Thumbnail image of NoctowlNoctowlNormalFlying2288 PC145 ATQ156 DEF225 STA
165Thumbnail image of LedybaLedybaBugFlying823 PC72 ATQ118 DEF120 STA
166Thumbnail image of LedianLedianBugFlying1522 PC107 ATQ179 DEF146 STA
167Thumbnail image of SpinarakSpinarakBugPoison923 PC105 ATQ73 DEF120 STA
168Thumbnail image of AriadosAriadosBugPoison2003 PC161 ATQ124 DEF172 STA
169Thumbnail image of CrobatCrobatPoisonFlying2992 PC194 ATQ178 DEF198 STA
172Thumbnail image of PichuPichuElectric535 PC77 ATQ53 DEF85 STA
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