Pokédex da região Galar (Geração 8)

Uma lista de todos os Pokémon da região Galar atualmente disponíveis no Pokémon GO. Pokémon Sombrios não estão incluídos. Pokémon cuja forma Brilhante está disponível no Pokémon GO têm um símbolo Brilhante no canto superior direito. Pokémon que não estão disponíveis têm um fundo vermelho atrás deles.

50 de 114 Pokémon da região Galar estão disponíveis no Pokémon GO. Esta contagem inclui todas as formas. Existem 96 Pokémon (sem formas) nesta geração.

Pokédex do Pokémon GO da região Galar

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Thumbnail image of GrookeyGrookeyYes
Thumbnail image of ThwackeyThwackeyYes
Thumbnail image of RillaboomRillaboomYes
Thumbnail image of ScorbunnyScorbunnyYes
Thumbnail image of RabootRabootYes
Thumbnail image of CinderaceCinderaceYes
Thumbnail image of SobbleSobbleYes
Thumbnail image of DrizzileDrizzileYes
Thumbnail image of InteleonInteleonYes
Thumbnail image of SkwovetSkwovetVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of GreedentGreedentVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of RookideeRookideeYes
Thumbnail image of CorvisquireCorvisquireYes
Thumbnail image of CorviknightCorviknightYes
Thumbnail image of BlipbugBlipbugNo
Thumbnail image of DottlerDottlerNo
Thumbnail image of OrbeetleOrbeetleNo
Thumbnail image of NickitNickitNo
Thumbnail image of ThievulThievulNo
Thumbnail image of GossifleurGossifleurNo
Thumbnail image of EldegossEldegossNo
Thumbnail image of WoolooWoolooVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of DubwoolDubwoolVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of ChewtleChewtleNo
Thumbnail image of DrednawDrednawNo
Thumbnail image of YamperYamperNo
Thumbnail image of BoltundBoltundNo
Thumbnail image of RolycolyRolycolyNo
Thumbnail image of CarkolCarkolNo
Thumbnail image of CoalossalCoalossalNo
Thumbnail image of ApplinApplinNo
Thumbnail image of FlappleFlappleNo
Thumbnail image of AppletunAppletunNo
Thumbnail image of SilicobraSilicobraNo
Thumbnail image of SandacondaSandacondaNo
Thumbnail image of CramorantCramorantNo
Thumbnail image of ArrokudaArrokudaNo
Thumbnail image of BarraskewdaBarraskewdaNo
Thumbnail image of ToxelToxelVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Toxtricity (Forma Aguda)Toxtricity (Forma Aguda)VariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Toxtricity GigamaxToxtricity GigamaxVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Toxtricity (Low Key)Toxtricity (Low Key)VariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of SizzlipedeSizzlipedeNo
Thumbnail image of CentiskorchCentiskorchNo
Thumbnail image of ClobbopusClobbopusNo
Thumbnail image of GrapploctGrapploctNo
Thumbnail image of SinisteaSinisteaYes
Thumbnail image of Sinistea (Forma Autêntica)Sinistea (Forma Autêntica)Yes
Thumbnail image of Sinistea (Phony)Sinistea (Phony)Yes
Thumbnail image of PolteageistPolteageistYes
Thumbnail image of Polteageist (Forma Autêntica)Polteageist (Forma Autêntica)Yes
Thumbnail image of Polteageist (Phony)Polteageist (Phony)Yes
Thumbnail image of HatennaHatennaYes
Thumbnail image of HattremHattremYes
Thumbnail image of HattereneHattereneYes
Thumbnail image of ImpidimpImpidimpNo
Thumbnail image of MorgremMorgremNo
Thumbnail image of GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarlNo
Thumbnail image of ObstagoonObstagoonVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of PerrserkerPerrserkerVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of CursolaCursolaVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Sirfetch'dSirfetch'dVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Mr. RimeMr. RimeVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of RunerigusRunerigusVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of MilceryMilceryNo
Thumbnail image of AlcremieAlcremieNo
Thumbnail image of FalinksFalinksVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of PincurchinPincurchinNo
Thumbnail image of SnomSnomNo
Thumbnail image of FrosmothFrosmothNo
Thumbnail image of StonjournerStonjournerYes
Thumbnail image of EiscueEiscueNo
Thumbnail image of Eiscue (Ice)Eiscue (Ice)No
Thumbnail image of Eiscue (Noice)Eiscue (Noice)No
Thumbnail image of IndeedeeIndeedeeNo
Thumbnail image of Indeedee (Fêmea)Indeedee (Fêmea)No
Thumbnail image of Indeedee (Macho)Indeedee (Macho)No
Thumbnail image of MorpekoMorpekoNo
Thumbnail image of Morpeko (Full Belly)Morpeko (Full Belly)No
Thumbnail image of Morpeko (Hangry)Morpeko (Hangry)No
Thumbnail image of CufantCufantNo
Thumbnail image of CopperajahCopperajahNo
Thumbnail image of DracozoltDracozoltNo
Thumbnail image of ArctozoltArctozoltNo
Thumbnail image of DracovishDracovishNo
Thumbnail image of ArctovishArctovishNo
Thumbnail image of DuraludonDuraludonNo
Thumbnail image of DreepyDreepyYes
Thumbnail image of DrakloakDrakloakYes
Thumbnail image of DragapultDragapultYes
Thumbnail image of Zacian (Espada Coroada)Zacian (Espada Coroada)No
Thumbnail image of Zacian (Herói Veterano)Zacian (Herói Veterano)VariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of Zamazenta (Escudo Coroado)Zamazenta (Escudo Coroado)No
Thumbnail image of Zamazenta (Herói Veterano)Zamazenta (Herói Veterano)VariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of EternatusEternatusNo
Thumbnail image of Eternatus (Eternamax)Eternatus (Eternamax)No
Thumbnail image of KubfuKubfuNo
Thumbnail image of UrshifuUrshifuNo
Thumbnail image of Urshifu (Rapid Strike)Urshifu (Rapid Strike)No
Thumbnail image of Urshifu (Single Strike)Urshifu (Single Strike)No
Thumbnail image of ZarudeZarudeYes
Thumbnail image of RegielekiRegielekiVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of RegidragoRegidragoVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of GlastrierGlastrierNo
Thumbnail image of SpectrierSpectrierNo
Thumbnail image of CalyrexCalyrexNo
Thumbnail image of Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider)No
Thumbnail image of Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)No
Thumbnail image of WyrdeerWyrdeerVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of KleavorKleavorVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of UrsalunaUrsalunaVariocolorYes
Thumbnail image of BasculegionBasculegionNo
Thumbnail image of SneaslerSneaslerYes
Thumbnail image of OverqwilOverqwilYes