Sinnoh region Pokémon in Pokémon GO


Discover the complete list of all Sinnoh region Pokémon from Generation 4 available in Pokémon GO. Get stats, strengths, weaknesses, moves, combat power, and evolution details to maximize your gameplay experience. Catch 'em all with our comprehensive guide!

Max CP
387Thumbnail image of TurtwigTurtwigGrass1342 CP119 ATK110 DEF146 STA
388Thumbnail image of GrotleGrotleGrass2137 CP157 ATK143 DEF181 STA
389Thumbnail image of TorterraTorterraGrassGround3318 CP202 ATK188 DEF216 STA
390Thumbnail image of ChimcharChimcharFire1082 CP113 ATK86 DEF127 STA
391Thumbnail image of MonfernoMonfernoFireFighting1780 CP158 ATK105 DEF162 STA
392Thumbnail image of InfernapeInfernapeFireFighting3033 CP222 ATK151 DEF183 STA
393Thumbnail image of PiplupPiplupWater1215 CP112 ATK102 DEF142 STA
394Thumbnail image of PrinplupPrinplupWater1923 CP150 ATK139 DEF162 STA
395Thumbnail image of EmpoleonEmpoleonWaterSteel3279 CP210 ATK186 DEF197 STA
396Thumbnail image of StarlyStarlyNormalFlying813 CP101 ATK58 DEF120 STA
397Thumbnail image of StaraviaStaraviaNormalFlying1468 CP142 ATK94 DEF146 STA
398Thumbnail image of StaraptorStaraptorNormalFlying3194 CP234 ATK140 DEF198 STA
399Thumbnail image of BidoofBidoofNormal815 CP80 ATK73 DEF153 STA
400Thumbnail image of BibarelBibarelNormalWater2061 CP162 ATK119 DEF188 STA
401Thumbnail image of KricketotKricketotBug453 CP45 ATK74 DEF114 STA
402Thumbnail image of KricketuneKricketuneBug1869 CP160 ATK100 DEF184 STA
403Thumbnail image of ShinxShinxElectric990 CP117 ATK64 DEF128 STA
404Thumbnail image of LuxioLuxioElectric1680 CP159 ATK95 DEF155 STA
405Thumbnail image of LuxrayLuxrayElectric3265 CP232 ATK156 DEF190 STA
406Thumbnail image of BudewBudewGrassPoison968 CP91 ATK109 DEF120 STA
407Thumbnail image of RoseradeRoseradeGrassPoison3359 CP243 ATK185 DEF155 STA
408Thumbnail image of CranidosCranidosRock2058 CP218 ATK71 DEF167 STA
409Thumbnail image of RampardosRampardosRock3728 CP295 ATK109 DEF219 STA
410Thumbnail image of ShieldonShieldonRockSteel1007 CP76 ATK195 DEF102 STA
411Thumbnail image of BastiodonBastiodonRockSteel1741 CP94 ATK286 DEF155 STA
412Thumbnail image of BurmyBurmyBug552 CP53 ATK83 DEF120 STA
412Thumbnail image of Burmy (Plant Cloak)Burmy (Plant Cloak)Bug552 CP53 ATK83 DEF120 STA
412Thumbnail image of Burmy (Sandy Cloak)Burmy (Sandy Cloak)Bug552 CP53 ATK83 DEF120 STA
412Thumbnail image of Burmy (Trash Cloak)Burmy (Trash Cloak)Bug552 CP53 ATK83 DEF120 STA
413Thumbnail image of WormadamWormadamBugGrass2005 CP141 ATK180 DEF155 STA
413Thumbnail image of Wormadam (Plant Cloak)Wormadam (Plant Cloak)BugGrass2005 CP141 ATK180 DEF155 STA
413Thumbnail image of Wormadam (Sandy Cloak)Wormadam (Sandy Cloak)BugGround2005 CP141 ATK180 DEF155 STA
413Thumbnail image of Wormadam (Trash Cloak)Wormadam (Trash Cloak)BugSteel1802 CP127 ATK175 DEF155 STA
414Thumbnail image of MothimMothimBugFlying2052 CP185 ATK98 DEF172 STA
415Thumbnail image of CombeeCombeeBugFlying559 CP59 ATK83 DEF102 STA
416Thumbnail image of VespiquenVespiquenBugFlying2267 CP149 ATK190 DEF172 STA
417Thumbnail image of PachirisuPachirisuElectric1372 CP94 ATK172 DEF155 STA
418Thumbnail image of BuizelBuizelWater1192 CP132 ATK67 DEF146 STA
419Thumbnail image of FloatzelFloatzelWater2762 CP221 ATK114 DEF198 STA
420Thumbnail image of CherubiCherubiGrass1074 CP108 ATK92 DEF128 STA
421Thumbnail image of CherrimCherrimGrass2315 CP170 ATK153 DEF172 STA
421Thumbnail image of Cherrim (Overcast Form)Cherrim (Overcast Form)Grass2315 CP170 ATK153 DEF172 STA
421Thumbnail image of Cherrim (Sunny Form)Cherrim (Sunny Form)Grass2315 CP170 ATK153 DEF172 STA
422Thumbnail image of Shellos (East Sea)Shellos (East Sea)Water1284 CP103 ATK105 DEF183 STA
422Thumbnail image of Shellos (West Sea)Shellos (West Sea)Water1284 CP103 ATK105 DEF183 STA
423Thumbnail image of Gastrodon (East Sea)Gastrodon (East Sea)WaterGround2628 CP169 ATK143 DEF244 STA
423Thumbnail image of Gastrodon (West Sea)Gastrodon (West Sea)WaterGround2628 CP169 ATK143 DEF244 STA
424Thumbnail image of AmbipomAmbipomNormal2733 CP205 ATK143 DEF181 STA
425Thumbnail image of DrifloonDrifloonGhostFlying1353 CP117 ATK80 DEF207 STA
426Thumbnail image of DrifblimDrifblimGhostFlying2693 CP180 ATK102 DEF312 STA
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